Monday, 30 January 2012

"Where our work is, there let our joy be."-Tertullian

"Never tire of doing what is right."-2 Thessalonians 3:13

"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go."-Abraham Lincoln

"Pray without ceasing." - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

I know I have just left you with some 'at random' thoughts...words from some renowned figures in the past accompanied by some simple and yet profound agreements and instruction from the Word of God...Actually I'm going to leave you with just those for now to reflect on and consider...

I will write an entry this weekend and expound upon some of those thoughts and how God has brought them into my life this past very full month. For now, I'm preparing to go back to the islands tomorrow morning...just a few hours from now...and will be there until the weekend. We hope to visit and teach in another four camps this week and I ask those of you interested, to join me in prayer in these ways...

1) That our hearts would be open and guided by God's Word in the work before us and seeing everyone of the individuals as the only and most important one as God sees them...And that they would know Jesus through such encounters with Him and the value and worth they have as His own children...

2) That my mind would be fully present this week, as in honesty I have to say that my heart and mind have been and continue to be pulled toward many dear people in my life in many different directions and places who are currently suffering in tremendous ways and whom I am and want to continue walking along side and ministering Christ and His love, care, and compassion to, but I need God's strength, hope, joy, stamina, grace, and wisdom to care for all well...and also grow in Trust that God cares infinitely more than I can or imagine...And pray with me that God would be each of their Great Counselor in the way they need...

3) That our Joy would be so evidently not our own but from God and living in obedience to and hope in Him.

4) Also and always team unity and safety on the water as well...

Tune in next Sunday (God willing) for more specific updates on these 31 days of January 2012...In the meantime, may God keep us all and grow us in His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-24)

MuCh LoVe,
MeLaNiE jOy

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