Monday, 30 January 2012

"Where our work is, there let our joy be."-Tertullian

"Never tire of doing what is right."-2 Thessalonians 3:13

"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go."-Abraham Lincoln

"Pray without ceasing." - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

I know I have just left you with some 'at random' thoughts...words from some renowned figures in the past accompanied by some simple and yet profound agreements and instruction from the Word of God...Actually I'm going to leave you with just those for now to reflect on and consider...

I will write an entry this weekend and expound upon some of those thoughts and how God has brought them into my life this past very full month. For now, I'm preparing to go back to the islands tomorrow morning...just a few hours from now...and will be there until the weekend. We hope to visit and teach in another four camps this week and I ask those of you interested, to join me in prayer in these ways...

1) That our hearts would be open and guided by God's Word in the work before us and seeing everyone of the individuals as the only and most important one as God sees them...And that they would know Jesus through such encounters with Him and the value and worth they have as His own children...

2) That my mind would be fully present this week, as in honesty I have to say that my heart and mind have been and continue to be pulled toward many dear people in my life in many different directions and places who are currently suffering in tremendous ways and whom I am and want to continue walking along side and ministering Christ and His love, care, and compassion to, but I need God's strength, hope, joy, stamina, grace, and wisdom to care for all well...and also grow in Trust that God cares infinitely more than I can or imagine...And pray with me that God would be each of their Great Counselor in the way they need...

3) That our Joy would be so evidently not our own but from God and living in obedience to and hope in Him.

4) Also and always team unity and safety on the water as well...

Tune in next Sunday (God willing) for more specific updates on these 31 days of January 2012...In the meantime, may God keep us all and grow us in His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-24)

MuCh LoVe,
MeLaNiE jOy

Thursday, 12 January 2012


A month since you last found me here…in the meantime, a lot has happened as usual in my life and all of yours. I wish I could hear all of the little details and events that make up the lives God has given each of you, but who knows maybe in eternity we’ll have story time J Until then here’s a taste of what’s happening this side…


I was reminded very much this year and wanted to share with you the Truth of Emmanuel, Our God with us. What a precious name for the Lord, the One who came to save us from our Sins, conquered the grave, and now reigns on high and within!

“She will bear a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins…’Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name Him Emmanuel,’ which means, ‘God is with us’.” –Matthew 1:21&23

I am blessed as I am reminded of this precious truth about my God…I am never alone…He is always with me…This past year and even now I am learning to cling to my precious Emmanuel more than I ever have before...

The visit from MY MOM, DAD, and BROTHER HERE IN UGANDA was another clear reminder of God’s presence always with me!! I was blessed by their company, laughs, encouragement, and memories, and I know I will continue to be blessed as time passes and now part of my family can picture, understand, hear, and know the life and people God has called me to live, walk, and love among.

We traveled about half of the time north, south, and west and the other half of the time we were backward and forward in Kampala between many friends and important individuals in my life this side of the pond. After three weeks here, I think they have a good taste of a portion of what my life involves these days J The quick stop in the supermarket which almost always takes an hour...The stroll down my street and all of the hellos that accompany it…Relationships, transportation, relationships, food, relationships, weather, relationships, health care, relationships, social life, relationships, language, relationships, culture, relationships, safari, relationships, village, relationships, Ssese islands, relationships, music, relationships, joy, relationships, sorrow, relationships…I think you can see a theme here? ;)

I think the best way to share about their time and the impact it had on people is to show you the story through a series of photos that capture some of the interactions and faces…I wish I could recount to you the whole experience, but I’ll do my best to invite you into it…

Photos… Click here to see a photo album tale of the three week visit and some of the interactions and visits with people and experiences while my family was here visiting...

Merry Christmas from Ntungamu!
As I enter this new year, God has placed it on my heart to slow down, reflect, organize, and refocus so that in 2012 I may live and love well and intentionally, investing in a few things and people to a deeper level. This may be coming partly from the realization of how very full my life is and can become and how stretched it could be, but I think it also comes from Jesus’ words in response to the Pharisees in Matthew 22:37 “…You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” I realize this year is yet another opportunity for me to realign my priorities and focus on Loving my God first and allowing that to flow into selfless love for others in all I do. Please be praying with me for wisdom and obedience to God’s Word as I decide on areas and people to focus on investing on and allowing what I’m learning about the life and character of Jesus to play out within. Some of these I already know including Biblical Counseling Bible Study Members, developing my nursing skills and health care base, Ssese Islands (teaching/counseling, patient care, and relationships), Language acquisition, a few youth, neighbors, and health care workers who have become dear people to me…

Thanks again for tuning in and I will be sure to be frequenting this page more often in the coming weeks and months to invite you in this world and life…Thanks for joining for the ride in so many ways! I cannot be more serious that if it were not for YOU, your support, your love, your prayers, and your encouragements I would not be here. SO THANK YOU!! I wish I could put in words how valuable and meaningful you are around the globe, especially here in Uganda, but my words are insufficient...I hope that through the stories, the photos, the thoughts you get a wee glimpse of how very valuable and loved and appreciated you are!!

I pray God blesses you beyond measure and reminds you of how precious you truly are to Him and the world!

With Much Love,