Friday, 11 November 2011

Links some people look for from my old blog when beginning to follow this story from the middle of the book...

All the Little Children-previous blog
Ssese Islands Intro 2011
Join my support family
Island Video

Simply so it's easy to catch up on the past year and find info you may or may not want :)
Thanks for taking the time to look through my eyes into this world...

Currently, I am on an unexpected visit to the USA following some unfortunately events in my family that I felt God was calling me to come back for a few weeks to be a support to them. While I returned to support them in the death of my grandma, the recovery from surgery of my other grandmother, and the farewell to my brother who is being deployed to Afghanistan in January, it has been a blessed time for all of us to be together again and for that I am so grateful that my Creator and King knows our needs before we even articulate them or know them.  I am in the Philadelphia area with family and some of you and will be returning home to Uganda after two weeks...

In the meantime, I ask for your continued prayers and thank you for your support that enabled me to take this compassionate leave for my family and make the distance seem less far.

Much love and blessings and I'll tune in again soon to catch you up on all that happened before I took this unexpected leave and what will happen when I return...
melanie joy

Josh and Caleb (My Brothers), Jessy (My Sister-Josh's wife), Me, Emily, Zion, and Stazi (Niece and Nephews)