So true that with the quick pace we run at, the time between
events and recounting them leaves enough of a haze to somehow loose the
details. Obviously it’s been a while since I’ve recounted to
you stories from here, but that does not mean that they have not been
happening! So, I am sitting here to do my best to try to steal back some of the details and
provide you a few glimpses back into what God is continuing to do in the Ssese
Islands here in Uganda! Enjoy the short stories!!
Our two very special girls... |
(Remember the photos from the last entry of these two beautiful faces? I told you I'd tell you more…)
Pastors wife with a bag of help to feed the mouths! |
Pastor and his wife, at Mukaka have been busy taking care of the two young girls
(two and half and three and a half years old) while their own children are
grown. About four months ago the girls’ mother was brought to the attention of
this couple in the church when she was very sick. The father had died of AIDS a
few years earlier and the mother’s disease had progressed leaving her too ill
to care for herself and her daughters. The pastor, also the Community Based
Volunteer (CBV) in this camp, together with the believers in the church and
some from the community decided to unite and help. They brought what they had
to assist in different ways since there was no family remaining who would agree
to care for them. The pastor took the children, another from the community
agreed to care for the mother, and several contributed toward the expense of
feeding two more mouths. They continued these efforts and remain a beautiful
example of Christ’s care and value for children within this and other island
communities. Sadly, a week ago the mother passed away and now the children are
left with relatives who don’t want and are not able to care for them well.
Please continue to pray for the pastor and his wife who want to take the girls
in and care for them if the family will agree!
Alice with little Joy, one of her sunday school kids and a gem we find each time we visit! |
The church at Kagonya
is slowly growing again after many of the believers had fallen away in the
community, discouraged by lack of leadership or having moved to other camps
following the fishing industry. Francis and Alice Kiyimba, our teammates, have
their home a Kagonya and view this community as their very own. Particularly
over the last year God has spoken to Alice on many occasions about the church
body its need for strength and unity to fight against the strong powers at work
around them. Francis and Alice have taken it upon themselves to spend as much
of their time as possible teaching, leading, and encouraging the believers
there and Alice has been leading a children’s Sunday school for some time now
and over her holiday began an adult Sunday school that meets prior to the
worship time. A few of the members have begun fasting and praying every
Saturday and some have started working collectively to identify and care for
sick people in the community. They are putting into practice what they have
learned over the years in bringing what little they have to offer physically,
whether food, skills, time, or knowledge, together to demonstrate the physical
care of Christ and use the opportunities to pray for people, share the gospel
truth, and educate on topics such as health care, sanitation, and planning. One
success story as a result of their efforts in the past few years is that the
believers have cared for the needs and schooling of an orphaned girl in the
community who is now twelve years old!
Early this year while visiting Kakyanga clinic run by the CBV and his wife, a mother and
baby were brought to the attention of our team. The mother had delivered a
premature baby who a few days after birth returned weak and unable to suck and
swallow, quickly dehydrating and incapable of adapting to the camp environment.
The mother has other children and the father was doubtful this one was his so
he was refusing to provide food or care for them. Together the CBV, nurse,
mother, pastor of her Kamese
community, and the team made a plan for her to take the baby on the public
transport to the mainland that day. The plan was that she would travel to a
hospital with facilities to care for a premature infant near the woman’s home
village where she could receive the support of her family while her children
were cared for by a community member. Though frightened of the outcome of the
situation for her baby and children, she was dedicated to doing her best to
care even if the baby would die, which she was confident of at the time. The
team shared the truth about Jesus with her and she accepted prayer before the
CBV and pastor helped her board the boat. Fast forward a few months, we arrived
at Kamese one afternoon to visit with Pastor and found the mother and her
children, even baby Giovani, now plump, healthy, and nursing well! The mother
is full of joy and grateful for those who came along side her to demonstrate
compassion and assistance when she cared so much but felt so helpless. She
happily accounted to us all of the details of how she, the health care team in
the hospital, and the family had worked together diligently every day for
several weeks to fight for Giovani’s life. Mother and children now are a part
of the church body at Kamese and this beautiful woman is not quiet about her
testimony! She and her children remain in a difficult home situation, however
she has learned and the community as well has seen the possibilities that come
when we unite to demonstrate and fight for the value of every life. (Photos
to come of this chunky fella soon…)
Kitobo Community landing site
Kitobo and
Banda in the recent months had an extended
visit from a false prophet who returned to Kitobo after a few years ago coming
to Banda where he had deceived and robbed the believers when he left. He spent
several weeks in the Kitobo church wanting to preach and requesting that people
bring the believers from Banda to Kitobo church to be prayed for and that they
would receive blessings. Thankfully the pastors joined together, warned one
another, took seriously shepherding their congregations, and guided the
believers in the truth in God’s Word during the time this man stayed in the
camp until he moved on to another place.
Over the past year Pastor from Namasengere, Pastor from Kaya, and
Pastor from Semawundo have given testimonies of God’s work in their
marriages. Since their attendance at a Transformation of the Heart Conference
and a weekend of follow up at Boyovu, God has worked in the couples’ lives to
expose their hearts toward their spouses. They are learning to forgive one
another and to begin to trust each other with shared finances, phones,
business, issues in the home, and children. The road is long and difficult, but
all have expressed their praise to God for beginning to uncover and change
things in their hearts and relationships in the past and present.
Pastor and wife and baby Blessing and her brother from Kamese |
If you’ve been following this blog for some time, you may
recall that Pastor and his wife at Kamese
have experienced some hard times over the past year, however are not quiet
about giving testimony to the power and faithfulness of God in their camp. Less
than two years ago the church at Kamese blew down in a windstorm and God has
provided through the believers coming together to rebuild along with the help
of AIM. The church is now nearly rebuilt and this time out of brick to be a
more solid structure and a visual representation to the community that God is a
permanent fixture in the ever-shifting communities. About a year ago Pastor’s
wife went into labor with bleeding complications in the nearby camp clinic
while he was at a pastor’s conference and she was in need of an emergency
cesarean delivery. This family experienced the provision and love of God
through the pastors who came together and brought a boat to carry her to the
mainland where she safely delivered a beautiful baby girl named Blessing!
Finally, the couple had been struggling to provide food for their family
through farming and a small home business. At the Transformation of the Heart
Conference, Pastor was convicted by the Holy Spirit to restore relationships
with the family he had not seen for 20 years and his wife found herself aware
of her need to entrust her business to God and believe in His provision. Since
that point, Pastor’s family relationships have been restored and their business
has been thriving so they also have been able to care for and help others in
their camp, including Giovani! They are now humbled, and joyfully outspoken
giving glory to God for his work. (Kamese Pastor and family photo)
Our CBV at Bossa, an
individual who cares deeply for people in his community and is a practicing
Muslim, actively connects people with necessary healthcare on the mainland. He
regularly attends and participates in the trainings at Boyovu whenever he is
able. Early this year he contacted the Ssese Islands Team about a big problem
he was caught in and called to court over. He came to AIM for wisdom, advice,
emotional, and spiritual support as he was in the middle of a divorce and was
called to court with threats from his wife and the potential of loosing his
children. This I believe gives testimony itself to what God is doing in the
hearts of those directly related to and impacted by the Gospel teachings and truths
over the years.
These are just a few of the recent stories that remind us
that God is not finished here! I am honored to know these people and walk
together in our difficult places and I am thankful I have the opportunity to
share with you their stories…stories that tell of a much bigger story taking
place in our world and time! God is not content to leave us as we are and He’s
clearly redeeming day by day each of us as we learn what it means to grow in
His image and demonstrate Him to those around us as He works to redeem His
creation to Himself. Thanks for tuning in…I hope you’ve appreciated the read
and that it’s also left you thinking of that bigger story and holding on to
some of those details that time tries to steal away from us!
Thank you to all of you who are involved in financial or
prayer support to make this all possible!
Before too long! Until then…peace to you!
Melanie Joy
Mwelaba! Kwaherini! Bye for now! See you again soon! |